I Created 5 Spotify Playlists That Needed to Exist

Aaron Smet
2 min readDec 17, 2021


Photo by David Pupaza on Unsplash

Music has the remarkable power to transport us to different times, places, and emotions. As a passionate music enthusiast, I took it upon myself to curate a collection of Spotify playlists that I believe were desperately needed in the musical landscape. From the nostalgic and intimate atmosphere of “Slow Dancing in a Mid-Century Modern Home” to the rollicking sing-alongs of “Sing-Along Bar Songs,” and the electric energy of “Virgil Abloh at Terminal 5,” I’ve strived to create soundtracks that cater to a diverse range of moods and occasions. And for those seeking a reprieve from the ubiquitous Halloween parties in the City of Angels, “No More Halloween Parties in LA” offers a respite. Join me on a musical journey as we delve into these unique and much-needed playlists that are bound to enhance your listening experience.

Slow Dancing in a Mid-Century Modern Home

This playlist will make any evening special. Slow dance with your soulmate after an extravagant night out on the town.

Sing-Along Bar Songs

This playlist will make you link arms with strangers and belt out all the words to your favorite songs.

Virgil Abloh at Terminal 5

This playlist will get the crowd so hyped that even the main act will be hesitant to follow this opening set.

No More Halloween Parties in LA

This playlist is perfect for your Project X Halloween party in Los Angeles.

